Approximately 13.8 billion years ago, everything just blew up and started vibrating. Approximately 40 years ago, some of those vibrations formed into me and have shaped the direction of my thirst for knowledge and passion for music.
I think we are drawn to these vibrations all around us and we all experience them a bit differently. My specific configuration of atoms has led me through academia (as a student in a seat and a student in front of other students – commonly and erroneously referred to as a professor), artist management, nonprofit proselytizing, and generally absorbing every wave I can of the sounds we call music.
I compose – mostly by reading the words of brilliant vibrations that transfer from the page through undulating light and for one reason or another make music happen in my head. I compose because when words come across to me in flashes of emotion and sound I feel compelled to put that experience into notes and share them with the rest of the wonderful vibrating beings in the world.
I’ve focused my energy on Seattle Art Song Society and on bringing more song into the world. You can learn more about me than I could ever say here in this bio by listening to my compositions at
If you want to download my headshot or bio, please click here.